The topicality of the Mediterranean perspective

Proletarian recomposition in our metropolis is hardly linked to a complete integration of immigrated proletariat. Integration that is opposed to a bourgeois prospective, producing in the internal front something similar to puppet governaments of imperialism.

Mediterranean front gives many tools to understand the actuality of this prospective.
If in a local and national scene we can see a real possibility for immigrants to partecipate to productive process and struggles, also for international solidarity against repressive politics on immigration, in a mediterranean point of view we can understand the genaralization of this condition, the growing conscience of countries, from where immigration borns, of the link between imperilist policy and their daily life conditions. The ricomposition of immigrated proletariat goes through the imperialist identity of Europe.

The model adopted by Italy thank to Pisanu's low it is the same adopted in all Europe.
We have an evidence in the answer of Spain to massive attack of their bounderies by immigrants: they have killed 12 persons. The choice of a hard line against immigration is shared in all euromeditarranean area, also by countries like Marocco.
In October, during a meeting of Internal Ministers of western Mediterraneous, Marocco has claimed a "Marshall Plan", composed by economical aid and politic support to "fight at the base the fenomenous of illegal immigration". In the same days There were two others meetings. The Hammamet summit, where all Euromed countries have supported the militar action in Spain and Marocco, and the Bruxelles summit where it has been decided that "the European Union will give tecnical assistence through money of EC and easing for grant of visa to some categories like entrepreneurs, researchers, students or diplomats. On its side, Rabat will be bound to welcome illegal immigrants arrived in EU from Marocco, if they are Maroccan, or from other countries". In this way Marocco has full support to its policies against immigration, regulated by laws introduced after attacks in 2003. Laws conform to one side to USA directives post 11/9 and to Arab Contries Convention agaist terrorism and to the other side laws to controll foreigns that want to go to Marocco. All this legislation is basedon the idea that foreigns are bearers of social tensions, specially in a moment without work.
Like in Italy, in other countries, Spain and Marocco, we assist to a growing struggle against repressive policies about immigration. This struggle can build tha base for a common fight on the two mediterranean sides. There is a claim of more democratic spaces, but the contraddiction between immigration and imperialism can't give a lot in this direction.

In the days after Ceuta tragedy, many groups, associations and collettives, coming from Spain, French an Marocco had a meeting in Andalusia to analizethe situation about immigration. They have produced a platform to unify the struggle in Euiromed countries. The platform is based on the refuse of militarization and of the trasformation of bouderies in "shame wall" in Europe like in Africa. It is a clear denounce of "fortress Europe", of the closing of bouderies and of the growing utilization of thecnology to controll and repress. There are also denounces against Marocco, expeciallyagainst the project to build a detention center for underage immigrants.
The claim ask that it is formed an Indipendent Inquire Commision to clarify what really happened to Ceuta boundery, that Marocco stops the death policy to Algeria and Mauritania bounderies, that spanish Guardia Civil stops expultions, that the army doesn't controll bounderies. With a notice Annahj Addimocrati (Democratic Way) reaffirms the completre refuse of european policies that want to trasform Marocco in its gendarme. The notice remembers like in 2004 Marocco decided to expulse all subsaharian immigrants toward the bounderies of close countries, helped by a skilful mediatic campain. "European imperialism is scared of their struggle experience toi survive, borned thank to an experience grow in States enslaved at european imperialism, their richness despoiled by multinational companies, their dignity attacked by dictatures: subsaharian brothers can only sell their work force to survive. Leave Ceuta to European Commision of Giustice and Security it is a affront to our intelligence and the offerof 40 million of euro from EU to Marocco to controll bounderies shows the will of Europe ro trasform Marocco in its mercenary".

Europe is planning a project, SOBCAH, to controll its 6000 Km of heart bouderies and 85000 Km of coasts with an automatic sistem. 16 parterns partecipe to this project, the leader is the italian Galileo Avionics.

During a conference organized in collaboration with British governament to the Royal Institute for International Affairs, it has been presented a study about antiterrorism experience in Euromed scene, expecilly in Marocco.
This study gives a special attention to the fact that before 2003 there wasn't a specific definition of terrorism, the acts were linked to specific crimes. Thank to the new law 12 acts are defined as terrorist acts, that is to say all the acts that "are intentionally made by one or more persons, with the aim to upset the public order, through intimidation, force, violence, terror". To the top we find acts that want to endanger the State, from documents falsification to guns and explosive possession. All kind of help, direct and not, are punished like terrorism and moral partecipation is punished with jail from 5 to 20 years. To give a meeting point or to help for deplacement is punished from 10 to 30 years of prison. Who reveals a "terrorist" act before it is made is discharged.

Antitterrorist laws has an important role to decide cooperation development. Common measures has been taken to stop finance to "terroristic" organizations and to work together in the global framework during the Euromed Conference in 2001. The problem of the struggle against terrorism is defined "essential element for dialogue politicy" in the Action Plan and in the Regional Framework Programm in 2002. The Regional Programm has underline the need of a common way through prevention and repression of "terroristic" acts, the exchange of experience on judicial, police fields and between specialized unities in counter guerilla and antiterrorism. Bilateral accords with Algeria, Siria, Egipt and Libanon contein this kind of collaboration. The Informal Meeting of Creta and Napoli Conference in 2003 have defined the need of a common definition of terrorism. The EuroMed Conference in 2005 formalizes an higher collaboration in information exchange to preventaccord between organizations supposed to be terroristic.

There is an homogeneity in the mediterranean scene of repressine laws on the internal front: growing of arrest, searching, interrogation, police stop possibilities, prolongation of time arrest without motivations,integration of police and army, censure, limitation of movement freedom, limitation of demostration end organization freedoms. The istitutional and the ngo debate is only on a costitutional guaranties level.

Marocco is the highest example of European interests to accelerate the Euromed integration plan, also to contrast USA and its B-MENA project. The president of European Parlament, Borrell has said during a meeting in Rabat: "the new policy of neighbourhood of EU, borned in 2003, will share the benefits of Union widening with close countries, also with Magreb ones. Marocco rappresents the key of cooperation between Eu and sud Mediterranean Sea".
Also for USA Marocco, Egipt and Turckey are reliable partners, also thank to moderate islamics in the politic panorama that can give ae economic and politic controll. We don't forget that exist a commercial accord between USA and Marocco, that delete taxes on exportations in Marocco. And on the other side they have introduced the Maroccan Islamic Combatant Group in tha anterrorism list.