JULY 2005
Imperialism and class struggle in the Mediterranean area
Nato is extending itself and improving its polical influence.
This process involves, like in the past, countries that inside have a strong
antiamerican and anti-imperialist feeling. Under the flag of "democratic and
economic reforms" European and American imperialist bourgeoisies plunder these
countries of their richness, thanks to projects like "Great middle east", "Euro-mediterranean
union"or "Istanbul Cooperation Initiative" under NATO shield.
A NATO Defence College study faces the possible scenarios in Magreb in the
next ten years. There will be a strong competition between USA and EU, but the
biggest interest is about would happen inside Magreb countries.
The problem is how much is possible to manage economic, politic and social
reforms due to integration politcs in presence of polical radical islamic
groups and parties. Imperilist bourgeoiseie has to identify wich instruments
canutilize to have the controll of this process. The first hypothesis is to
adapt the cooperation structures like the Arab Magreb Union (Algeria, Libya,
Mauritania, Marocco, Tunisia) or the Africa Union (that groups African
countries and Marocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Mauritania). The second is to
create an alliance from Africa to Magreb, that is a common feeling,
considering that Marocco development could be a stimulus for an imperialistic
stabilization of African area and a military-economic.politic bridge beetween
western and african countries.
The imperialist bourgeoiseie tries to understand weak points, contraddictions
and which subjects can be the new political class that can hold its interest.
A report of Center for Strategic and international Studies (CSIS) facesthe
perception of imperialist politics by arab leaders of different economic and
politic fields and also the perception of arab people, that is the most
interesting for revolutionary and internationalist militants.
Arab leaders have informed USA that only a visible action towards the solution
of palestinian conflict could be a real step. Even if in March the direct
intervention in Gaza by the alliance has been defined premature also by Rice,
it is possible thatbNATO could be the instrument to have an imperialistic
solution at the conflict.
To make a prevision on wich kind of intervention will be done is enough to
read the declaration of israelian Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom: "Israel gave
to NATO a proposal abaut the operating plan on military and diplomatic fields.
We donīt have doubts that Israel will have a big benefit by a closer relation
with NATO, and we think that also Isreal can give a lot back".
The general perception, also thank to american media, is that there is a war
against arab world and against islam. This point of view is also due to the
changement of behavior towards young arabs that study in the USA. They are
worried, they claim to their governaments for changemen tin favour of USA
Many arab leaders define relationship with USA a monologue, made of
The most important preoccupation are the armed groups that are growing, also
thak to american politics.
Reforms, Ngo and new ruling class Many arab leaders and Ngo have subscribed,
in December, the "reform agenda" inside the "Forum for Future", created and
financed by USA. Many leaderships are worried of this quick process, because
it could give more strenght to internal opposition and could facilitate
american penetration. To support this process is fondamental to build a new
arab generation with a new vision of relations with USA. Also the creation of
an american political class, accepted in the arab world, supported by the
media, is an obliged step. USA are worried because the arab students are
decreasing. This fact could have a negative effect on relationship with future
arab governaments (50 arab leaders, who have supported the USA antiterrorist
campain, has studied in the USA).
These two risks, to have a real enemy inside the country and to have a stop by
the arab leaders to the arabs markets, can be avoided only increasing the arab
youngs in the USA, not only the rich ones but also the popular ones. They have
theorized to create a commision that on one side has to build a protection
sistem from the "terroristic infiltrations", and on the other side has to
increase "educational exchanges". This commision will be formed by an academic
staff, business, legislation, security experts, by politics able to value the
effects of the "american education" in the interested countries. Itīs very
important that the youg generations assimilate culture, ideology, aspirations
promoted by USA. The Center for Strategic and International
Studies proposal is the creation of Arab Partnership Fondation, to support the
new arab leader generation, ideologic courrents and liberal organizations. It
will have buros in the arab countries, and at the beginning it will work with
caution to go over wariness. The Arab Partnership Foundation has to support
ONG, local and not.
The popular perception of imperialist reforms between non gouvernamental
counter-revolution and struggle.
The perception of arab world about "democracy and reforms" is clesr giving a
look to the protest against the Forum for Future in Rabat organized by
Maroccan Cell against the Forum for Future, composed by islamic, leftist,
nationalist organizations. These protests have been organized not only against
USA, but also against his friendly arab governaments. The arab and Maroccan
people look to this meeting and to its consequences with suspicious and like
an western imposition. Some indipendent newspapers have defined this "the
third colonization way". Also Alternatives Citoyennes in Tunisia has denounced
the activityof american organizations like IRI, NED (National, Endowment for
Democracy), CEIP (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) up to Soros
Foudation, to build a cultural school composed by intellectuals, journalists
and politics very close to the liberal american thought.
All this process means deprivation of political and union rights, and it has
created different kind of oppositions.
In Egypt thereīs a big process of privatisation in the textile sector, one of
the most important in the country. The workers have been on strike from
February to the beginning of May also against yhe General Federation of Trade
Unions (GFTU), union trade , supporting the gouvernament, that has accepted to
sold ESCO to private capitals, a state company that had 24000 workers in 1980
and today only 3500, and to this we have to add 650000 early retirements in
other public sectors. The Al-Ahram Weekly of 18th March said that in the last
months the economic egyptian reforms have been really increased. "The Minister
of Investment Mahmoud Mohieddin- write Abdel Razek- has confirmed that in the
last months 18 state companies have been privatised, for one milliard egyptian
liras. An extraordinary result compared to the 15 privatisations made from
2002 to 2003".
The left and islamic egyptian oppositions criticize tightly the american
attack against the national economy for their continuos help with money to
companies that work in the country like ONG. Critiques increased after that
the american embassy in Cairo has decided to finance 6 ONG with one million
dollar to monitor the elections, defining unacceptable to have help from who
is responsable of crimes in all the region. Trought an accord betweem Egypt
and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) of 1998,
USA have given fram 32 to 42 million dollars to support "civil society"
activities and ONG. Owing to this situation it
is borned in Egypt in the last year an opposition mouvement called Kefiya
(Stop). Kefiya collects organizations from tha illegal Muslim Brothers toThe
radical leftist ones. Itīs aim is to put in a crisis Mubarak governament and
to begin an autonomous path. The alliance between islamic, leftist and
nasserian forces is foundamental, but on the other side it underlines a
disagreement on strategic questions.
For some members of egiptian left it has been enough to launch the mouvement
to see a new activism desappeared since 25 years. There are strikes in
factories, paysansī struggles to have land, creation of new leftist
organizations that are able to come out from ideological clandestinity. For
the radical left, it will be very difficult, in the next two years, to
rappresent the deliverance of exploited classes without a communist party,
even if this could be the right moment to go over its internal conflicts and
to throw again a prospective for egyptian people and not only. During an
interview made during the "III Conferencia de el Cairo Contra la Globalization,
el Imperialismo y el Sionismo", two members of egyptian left, Seif al-Dawla,
femminist, member of 20th March mouvement and Kamal Jalil, spokesman of
Socialist Egyptian Revolutionaries and director of the Center for Socialist
Studies, have said that the will of changement crashes with repression that
acts against organizations and against mouvements. The 20th March mouvement
takes its name from the day in wich tarted the Irak war, and
it denounces the 2000 cases of tourtures against the 20000 political prisoners
in egyptian jails.
In Egypt only the organiozations that have an accord with the governament are
legal. The two militants said also that it is necessary to organize themselves
clandestinely without compromises with Mubarak. The new industrial area
workers, borned thank to Qualified Industrial,Zone (QIZ), canīt organize
themselves out of union organizations controlled by the governament. They said,
besides, that it isnīt enough to claim for democratic changements, but they
must find answres for 6 million unemloyed, political changements with social
justice, union of leftist forces, working with others groups.
The Mubarakīs repression has hardly bit members of Muslim Brothers. After
attacks against turists in Cairo, a manhunt breaks out, with deportations and
the reintroduction of the emergency legislation enacted in 1981. At the end of
March popular demostrations organized by Kefiya have been forbidden.
Marocco is trieing to solve the gap built during years of repression, creating
a commision to refund victims and theis families. This is a make up of the
monarchy to seem different. In Marocco many new mass media are borning, but
the most part of them are linked to the monarchy, there isnīt a real freedom
of speech, like the arrest of islamic and human right militants show. There is
a disappointed feeling inside Maroccan people, because there hasnīt been any
reform. An arrested union militant has declared: "The new Maroccan power has
inherited all old contradictions; to perpetuate a dictatorial politic bars the
way to social and politic reforms. In the last ten years politics have taken
two directions: on one side governament has used reforms to give democratic
face to the regime, on the other side
it has improved despotism and our arrest shows this".
On workers side we see a strong controll by the power on the three principal
unions UGTM, CDT, CTM, that, the last year, has signed a social accord that
pladges the cknowledgementof their role exchange with social peace.
One of the most interessing experience is the young unemploitedī struggle and
their organization Association Nationale des Chomeurs Diplomés (ANDCM). The
new lobour code of this year has improved flessibility of work, wage and
casualization, increasing individual firing, knocking down wages and forecast
temporary agencies. Repression is used if the unions are not enough. It has
been important the process against Imini miners, that have hardly fight
against the introduction of temporary work in their mine. They have made a
strike and blocked trucks, the direction have engaged 130 persons to go to
work. After there have been affrontments and a woman died, the workers have
been considered responsible. 6 workers have been condamned at 10 years of
prison, but a solidarity international campain has been developed, they have
received solidarity from French, Spain,Germany, Holland, Belgium, Tunisia and
Face of this partial picture is very important the solidarity that in our
country is borned when the italian magistracy has attacked islamic
organizations and antimperialist resistence, and more important is the
struggle against CPT(center for immigrants without documents). This is the
first condition to build an internal front inside imperialistic countries, son
of imperialistic politics in the external front.