Italy, november 2004

Contributes on Indian and Nepalese communist movement

We publish in this Asia section an interview to the Indian comrades of Indian Communist Party Marxist-Leninist (People's War), published on Indian theoric review People's March, for Indian revolution. This party is one of the Indian radical left organizations, linked politically and theorical to Nepal Maoist of NCPm.
We can't found a modern development of Maoism in China, but in neighbour countries like Nepal and India, where there's a huge theoretical production. Surely China supports these organizations to bar the way to Indian expansionism and to make pressure on pro-USA governments in his south boundaries: Bhutan and Nepal. Nevertheless the Maoist resistance is really popular. If it is true that China tries to bar the way to the US imperialism, on the other side it has its own imperialism, and life and power conditions of Chinese proletarians show the lack ness of socialism in this country.
Instability of some areas in India and the control of a huge part of Nepal by Maoists are examples like revolutionary theories are linked to revolutionary practice.
Even if Indian progressists have won the last elections, and even if revisionist communists take part, comrades of ICPML (People's War) continue their struggle. The ICPML (People's War) boycotts the elections, but it tries to exploit all new political spaces in this new Indian situation, especially in Andhra Pradesh. In A.P. there's a big naxalita's community, represented by little bourgeois organizations and by revolutionary communist ones. Naxal, poor rebel paysant movement born in Bengali in the '60, is developed in all India. The movement, since the beginning has been directed by communists and inside Indian anti-revisionist Marxist-Leninist organizations are born. ICPML is born in Naxalita's movement too, now Naxalita and Maoist fighter are synonymous. Naxalites born in Bengali have an olive skin and they are in many Indian states. For poverty and skin colour they are discriminated and violent repressed.

In these last months, Nepal has been troubled by a lot of strikes and guerrilla actions, and the press has been obliged to speak about Nepal's Maoists. Nepal's monarchy has been obliged to increase foreign soldiers, often regular U.S and G.B. troupes presented like irregular contractors. The Nepal's army has admitted that it utilizes U.S. teachers. Never the less, this summer, Nepal's communists have aggressed in many parts of the country, even in Kathmandu.
It's interesting underline that Maoist struggle is not so popular in European left as Zapatista movement. Without giving any values on Chiapas movement, we see that Italian left hardly speaks about revolutionary process in Nepal. It scares to say that women are more present in NCP that in any other communist party in Europe, that Maoists practice armed struggle, with good results, that they want people power, that they develop a new red hegemony in Asia. It is better to speak about humanitarian doctors, brave escalators, poor farmers but happy, reassured by millenarian feudal society. To speak about this reality isn't an exotic desire, or repressed dreams that don't grow in the imperialist metropolis, but, simple, it means give a contribute to show the development of international communist movement, its ant imperialist struggle, and its possibilities to be a hegemony force inside society. In this world, where communism or is denounced as the biggest evil or is quickly settled as finished, the development of popular resistance and of the communist movement are a slap to all people enemies. The liveliness of communist movement isn't a repetition of ceremony, stories and legends, but it is the capacity to develop and to overtake the mistakes done in the past. We don't want to find the purity in the social revolution or in the revolutionary movement, but have a relation, learn, support all these organizations and comrades that are able to break with stereotype style.

We report a new book in English "Problems and prospective of revolution in Nepal", inside there are many articles of the main leader of NCP-Maoist, comrade Prachanda. We publish in this issue an article of this book about the problem of frontism, that is to say tactical possibility of communists to direct the alliance between working class with others class portions for limited objectives. The difference between people and working class is approached not only by Mao, but also by Lenin. It can appear like a linguistic formalism, but it hides an analysis on class portions involved in class struggle and an analysis on possibilities of communists to link different social parts for anticapitalist and antimperialist struggle. Religious and ethnic questions are still central elements when the imperialistic monopole grows. The most important bet for all revolutionary movement is to be able to build a common way for different parts, where this unit isn't a formal addition of social and cultural factors, but a real aims unit that found in the struggle the way to experiment a revolutionary development. We think this is important all over the world. Social parts are different and the answers are different too, but class division and the need to unite people on common objectives are fundamental points also for us. This contribute isn't a bible, but it want to be a stimulus and a new demonstration of communists' possibilities in the struggle for power. Communists' strategy and tactic are more that a leaflet or a magazine, we don't have to forget that is practice that determines the revolutionary way. The practice of Indian and Nepalese communist parties is supported by theoretical structure of Maoism without being stereotype. We don't want to introduce a debate on Maoism, but we see in it a lively with a lot of suggestions applicable in our reality. The diffusion and the utilization of Mao thought confirm its lively. Besides, Mao and Maoism, in Asia, represent a symbol of the emancipation from colonialism for thousand of men and women.


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