Italy, november 2004
Palestinian Prisoners' Society
September 4, 2004
After 19 days of hunger strike, Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons and
detention camps called off the strike since they have achieved a good number of
their demands:
1. Ending the isolation of 60 prisoners, Ramlah prison "Ayalon2", by 15 October
2. Ending the policy of body search, stripping prisoners naked while conducting
physical searches.
3. Ending the policy of depriving families from visiting relative prisoners for
security reasons.
4. Ending the policy of aggression and beatings against prisoners.
5. Improving the quality and quantity of food and allowing prisoners to purchase
more kinds of food from prison's canteens.
6. Prolonging the time of "Fora", outdoors break.
7. Allowing prisoners' visitation between rooms and sections.
8. Allowing prisoners to use phones or cellular phones to call their families.
9. A promise to search the possibility of removing glass barriers in the
visitation rooms.
10. A promise to allow physical contact between prisoners and their children
during visitation.
11. Searching Prisoners' cells without damaging or confiscating any of their
12. Improving prisoners' health conditions, and conducting very urgent surgeries.
13. Allowing physicians from outside prisons to visit ill prisoners.
14. Restitution of prisoners' rights, such as the right to use the kitchen (which
was administered by criminal prisoners), washing, ironing, and shaving services.
15. Allowing life sentenced prisoners to work within prison compounds.
16. Basic agreement on ending the policy of isolation, based on individual cases.
17. Reconsidering the policy of imposing money charges on prisoners.