Italy, october 2002
Purpose: Destroy Internal Dissidents
This article intends to examine effects and consequences of the antiterrorism
measures implemented last year in the US and to show how they violates the civil
liberties of all American citizens. October 26th 2002, the Congress has launched
the new anti-terrorism legislation, denominated USA PATRIOT ACT, introducing the
new federal crime of "domestic terrorism", which criminalizes the activities of
protest and internal dissents. The increased ability of monitoring guaranteed to
the executive, seriously threatens individual privacy while the possibility to
incarcerate for an indetermined period of time and to deport foreigners on the
base of their activities and political associations denies non residents their
Constitutional rights. Representing the only senator to vote against this
action, the senator of the Wisconsin Russell Feingold has affirmed:
"There is no doubt that if we lived in a police state, it would be simpler to
arrest presumed terrorists. If we lived in a nation that allows the police to
search your house to any schedule and for any reason; if we lived in a nation
that allows the government to search our mail, to record our telephone
conversations to intercept our e-mails for whatever reason; if we lived in a
nation where the individuals are incarcerated for an indefinite time for what
they think and they write, or on the impression that they are about to undertake
a criminal action, then the government would discover and would surely arrest
more terrorists. Probably however that would be a country where we would not
like to live. (...) We will lose any war without shooting a hit if we will
sacrifice our individual liberty."
In the few cases in which the Bush administration hasn't gotten the
authorization from the Congress for thesee operations of domestic espionage, It
has been authorized via executive fiat. On the base of laws and interim
directives, protected from total secretiveness, the administration has
questioned on the only base of simple suspicious, arrested without allegations
and prisoner without justification nearly two thousand individuals of
medio-Oriental and Asian nationality. At the moment the only individual that
will face a trial for crimes concerning the attacks of September 11th is
Zacarias Moussaoui, arrested however well before that date. Through this type of
operations, the Bush administration has announced at a federal level practices
of profiling based on race and/or religion for a long time already in practice
thanks to the local police departments all around the US. According to the
official figures, 752 people have been incarcerated after September 11, not for
suspicious connections with the terrorists but for violation of the norms on the
immigration. In June those who remained in jail were 81. All the other have been
released or deported. We don't know who much has had the one and who the other
destiny, but for sure a lot of individuals have been outcast from the United
States without any kind of trial, without enjoying some constitutional rights.
After the attacks of September 11th, the magistracy has initially sustained
these exceptional measures, but with speech held by the President of the Court
of Appeal of Cincinnati, the situation it's changing: "Behind the closed doors,
democracy dies". With this sentence the magistracy disavows the president on the
secretiveness of the trials. A few days later the ad hoc court (created in the
seventies to avoid the "private" use of the secret services in which Nixon was
particularly separate - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, FISA) was
watching over on the legality of the FBI investigations. The core of the
applications concerned the possibility to pass to "ordinary" investigators "informations
gathered by the FBI, revolving in this way the most severe standards. This
already happens, but only in particular situations and previous authorization of
the court. Ashcroft wanted that the practice became routine but the court seeing
a "the tendency to the abuse", has denied this possibility.
After a year from the passage of this anti-terrorism legislation it is possible
to report the executive's attempt to gain more and more powers and to underline
how a number of these laws interpretes strategies specifically intended to
destroy domestic political dissents. During the war in Vietnam, Security Forces
were broadly used to fight domestic dissent: through counterintelligence
operations denominated COINTELPRO the American government has conducted a secret
war against political dissent utilising violent and illegal tactics. The US
Government was trying, like it's doing today to compare lack of patriotism to
betrayal and treasure. The dissidents were branded as " enemy" and as such they
were treated. The federal crime of domestic terrorism, in this sense, including
the crime of association, work as deterrent for activists and militants
intimidated even more by the actual repressive climate aggravated by the
restriction to the Freedom of Information Act, a law approved in 1976 through
which Congress and the average citizens are able to get reserved documents and
to monitor the activities of the administration.
A Matter of Patriotism
Few days after the attacks of September the 11th, Bill Maher, conductor of the
television show Politically Incorrect, has defined as cowards the American
bombardments on Afghanistan; the same day the secretary of the communication of
the White House highly crossed by that affirmation has told the American
citizens that "you/they should be careful to what they say" since "these are not
times for sentences of this kind." Still more alarming the affirmations of the
minister of Justice Ashcroft, head of the department of justice and of all its
divisions (FBI, INS, Bureau of Prison and of the public American district
attorneys): "those people that frighten all the individuals lovers of peace with
threats concerning the loss of the rights (...) your tactics help the terrorists
since they erode the national unity and they weaken our determination. (...)
They strengthens the enemies of the United States."
The attitude of the American administration underlines a clear impatience
towards any dissent; this attitude of clean refusal has created a political
climate in which whoever has criticized the government politics has been object
of investigations and visits from agents of the local departments of police and
After September the11th, the investigations based on information received from
informants or from citizens are more and more common. October 23rd 2001, Barry
Reinghold, retired, was questioned by FBI agents because he had sustained that "
this war doesn't have as objective the single capture of terrorists, it concerns
above all the corporative affairs and oil" during a training in gym. The 26
October of 2001, AJ Brown, student of the university of the North Carolina, was
questioned by FBI agents for an "anti-American poster " in her room - the poster
criticized Bush campaign in support of the capital punishment during his
campaign as governor of the Texas. The November th 2001, FBI's agents showed up
at the Art Car Museum to inspect the works of art of the current exposure,
"Secret Wars", in order to the search disparaging or dangerous material to the
life of the president.
These "accidents" bring two sentences of the Supreme court to the mind: one
pronounced during the presidency of Lyndon B Johnson, the second during the
Reagan administration. Both the cases were concerning citizens arrested and
convicts because their affirmations were considered threatening to the life of
the president of the United States. In 1966, during a demonstration against the
war in Vietnam, then seventeen year-old Robert Watts howls "If they had to give
me a weapon, the first man that I want shoot is LB Johnson." An undercover
investigator from the military espionage arrested Watts "cause he threatened the
life of the president" according to a 1917 statute. The March 30th 1981, the day
when an attempt to the life of the president Ronald Reagan, the employee Ardith
McPherson joking with a colleague affirms "If they had to try again, I hope
really that kill him." McPherson was signalled to the management for her
affirmation and she was fired. Examining the context in which those sentences
were pronounced, the Supreme court sustained that it dealt with agitated
reactions, protected from the First Emendament, not real threats against the
life of the president. On this basis, the Supreme court overturned the sentence
of Watts and it ordered that A. McPherson was inserted again to the job.
Despite these decisions have represented a positive development for the defense
of individual expression, from October the 26th 2001 the government has
implemented three new surveillance programs that will entirely consists of
information coming from citizens. In January 2002, the department of justice
distributed a brochure in which it exhorted citizens to report to the
authorities " anything suspicious they notices, both the most anomalous and the
most absurd." In March of 2002, Ashcroft affirmed he wanted to increase the
funds of the Neighboorhood Watch Program up to two million of dollars with the
purpose to expand the objectives of the program from the criminal investigation
to the war on terrorism. Last August operation TIPS (Terrorist Information and
Prevention System)has gone off. This program will recruit million of informants
among the common citizens that will operate as "eyes and additional ears in
support of the local Police Departments and of investigative agencies."
With a certain irony the representative of Ohio, Tennis Kucinich, observed: "It
seems that we're going from the Information Society to an Informant society. One
information a day and in one year we will be all locked. We can do this way: we
put some fences all around our borders and then probably we will feel surer
These operations of intelligence have been accompained by a psychological and
methodic campaign to eliminate any form of domestic dissent, focused on the
elimination of any criticism towards the administration; they operated in this
sense through the work of two conservative organizations with strong bonds with
the president Bush.
In November of 2001, the American Council of Trustees and Alumni has published
an essay with the title "Defending Our Universities are Failing America and What
can Be Done About It": the document in question accused the universities to be
little patriotic and documented 117 affirmations done inside American campuses
in which "the blame is turned first to America". The teachers' names "guilty" to
have pronounced those sentences were publicly diffused and omitted only in a
second time. Two victims of this black book have been Hugh Gusterson, professor
of anthropology at the MIT and Eric Foner, professor of history near Columbia
University in New York; commenting the essay by ACTA, Foner has affirmed that "explicit
purpose of the ACTA is to intimidate all those who have different opinions.
Luckily, the teachers don't have to take an oath of fidelity yet."
The document by ACTA has been followed in March of 2002 by a big advertisement
published on the New York Times and sponsored by the Americans for Victory Over
Terrorism, an organization that counts among members a number of influential
republican, among which William Bennet, that has operated as secretary of
education in the Reagan administration and as "Czar of the Drug War" with the
Bush-father administration. The document by AVOT underlined and criticized
professors', entertainers' and journalists' affirmations that the organization
considers not patriotic.
As the positions of AVOT and ACTA are legitimate since protected from the first
Amendment equally discordant opinions should be approved: insinuating that who
expresses different opinions is an enemy of the nation means trying to eliminate
any form of opposition and criticism towards the administration" - the comment
of a lawyer and activist from the Center for Constitutional Rights.
Crime of association
The First not only protects the liberty of expression but also the liberty of
association with the explicit purpose to allow the exercise of collective
political activities. The Supreme court has established that the simple
affiliation to an organization that has objectives both licit and illegitimate
cannot be considered valid evidence for an incrimination: in the system of
American justice the guilt has to be personal and necessarily has to concern
specific crimes. The laws that have created the new federal crime of "domestic
terrorism", included in the Patriot Act, they introduce the crime of association
criminalizing in this way numerous American citizens who have expressed opinions
in support and/or who have furnished material support to organizations that the
secretary of state has labeled as terrorist - 33 organizations included in the
Foreign Terrorists Organizations. The Material Support Statute included in the
Anti Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA, 1996), strengthened by
the new anti-terrorism measures, considers a crime punishable with 15 years, or
with life sentence in the case of victims, to furnish material support to a FTO.
The concept of "material support" it implicates the "training", "personal"
and/or "suggestion or support " to any FTO: the criminalization of such
activities prevents any the practice of political activity with purposes of
pacific resolution of conflicts and activities such as writing letters and
supporting petitions for these organizations, or sustaining the cause of a FTO
in front of the Congress or the United Nations and even instructing FTO's
members on laws and on international rights. If the Foreign Terrorist
Organizations had been in vigor during the eighties, the African National
Congress would have been labeled as "terrorist" and thousand of busy U.S.
citizens in actions to erase the aphartheid in South Africa would be found as
convicts to face long periods in jails.
The statute of the FTO allows only people belonging to a "terrorist organization"
to oppose to their designation but the secretiveness of the procedures and the
indeterminateness of the initial evidences makes any attempt practically vain.
The analysis of the standards to be considered "terrorist" are very vague, the
only constant seems to be that all these organisations haven't denied the use of
violence as form of struggle and political opposition. Moreover the preventive
character of the "War on terrorism", the list of the candidates, and the
limitations to the civil rights for US citizens will increase in the months to
For non citizen, according to the new laws on terrorism, the Bush administration
has the power to arrest and deport individuals for their associations with
organisations included in the FTO. Section 411 of USA Patriot Act include all
those people who have furnished support not only included to organisations
included in the Foreign Terrorist Organisations but also in the Terrorist
Exclusion List and in the list of the organisations "considered but not
officially designated". Section 412 concerns the possibility to hold an
individual for an indefinite period and to deport through the INS in case the
secretary of state "has reasons to believe" that the individual is implicated
with a FTO, TEL and DND.
In a country in which the government can support militarily and economically
organisations like the Talebans and a few years after the same government
considers the same people their worse enemy, non residents that have strong
bonds with social and political movements in their countries of origin could be
incriminated and/or deported according to recent events.
The Cost of the political activism
The cost of political non violent activity, already considerable before the
attacks of September the 11th, is considerably increased. Activists and
organisations have been put under surveillance, they were considered as a place
for undercovers, for investigations and disrupt as a result of the introduction
of the new crime of domestic terrorism. With the new directives for
Investigative agencies of May 30th 2002, all the premises been for the rebirth
of the ignoble programs known as Cointelpro have been set forth.
The new crime concerns all "dangerous actions for human life and actions in
violation of the laws" if they were "meant... to influence the government
politics through intimidation and coercion" and in the case "they happen in the
jurisdiction of the United States ".
Any action of civil disobedience inside the United States violates at least
three some five elements that contribute to the definition of the "domestic
terrorism": it constitutes a violation of the present laws, if meant to
influence government politics and they happen on the American ground. Many
actions of civil disobedience, included road blocks, would also be considered "dangerous
actions for the human life", meant to influence government politics using "intimidation
and coercion", complying in this way the two lacking elements.
As a result, activities of protest previously judged and condemned with light
sentences, they are the potential federal crimes now.
The new powers granted to investigative agencies allow to gather data concerning
activists and militants and to store them in the RISS (Regional Information
Sharing System), a database readily available by local, government and federal
police officers. Before the passage of the PATRIOT ACT, to be included in this
database a direct connection to a specific crime was necessary and at that time
"domestic terrorism" was not considered a crime. As Gerald Lynch, a federal
employee confirms: "the PATIOT ACT makes it simpler to record [[infos concerning
suspicions of terrorism] in database so that any information would be easily
The first internal guideslines on domestic espionage were issued in 1976 as
direct consequent of the conclusions drawn by the Church Committee concerning
the illegal operations conducted by the FBI. May 30th 2002, Attorney General
John Ascroft introduced the new guidelines: the terrorist emergency has created
the conditions through which the FBI will be able to operate without any limits
in field of political espionage, just like in the Cointelpro era.
The guidelines new authorise FBI agents to begin an investigation "when facts or
circumstances point out that a crime has been or will be committed".
Investigations are authorised from the legal office and from the special agent
in charge and it can be protracted till one year without any authorisation from
the general district neither any judge. Once one became the target of an
investigation, the guidelines don't give any real guarantee for what concern the
use and the diffusion of personal data, even in case of legal activities.
According to this official document, the FBI has the possibility to collect
information on members, on the economic resources, on the activities and on the
objectives of a particular organisation. Once one became the target of an
investigation, the FBI agents is authorised to use " any technique he deems
necessary", as indicated by the Department of Justice: these techniques vary
from the use of confidential informants, to undercover activities and
counterintelligence operations, to electronic eavesdropping to seizures.
In case the FBI lacks necessary evidence to begin an investigation but there is
information and/or indications of possible criminal activities, the agents can
ask the authorisation to their supervisor for a "preliminary investigation" that
can last up to 180 days: also in absence of any evidence, the FBI can use "any
resource to identify threats or terrorist activity."
Given the vagueness of the Ashcroft's guidelines and the ambiguity of the crime
of domestic terrorism, it is very probable that whoever is committed to social
and political opposition will be targeted for surveillance and victims of trials
and long sentences.
After September the 11th, the local police departments, with technical support
from the Department of Justice and from the FBI, have resuscitated the infamous
"Red Squads", the units with assignments of political investigation, sadly
famous during the "kingdom" of Hoover, whose activities vary from the monitoring
the literature of groups considered subversive to questioning demonstrators,
from the creation of informants to infiltration.
In the city of Denver, a city of liberal and progressive tradition, for instance,
the Police Department has created "Spy Files" concerning the political
activities of 3200 individuals and of 208 organisations at least. Among the
groups set under investigation there are the American Friends Service Committee
(a pacifist religious group that has received the nobel for peace) and Amnesty
International, both labelled as " extremists and criminal organisations".
In March 2002, the American Civil Liberties Union, an association of progressive
lawyers, moved a charge against the Denver Police Department afferming that
surveillance activities of such entity frighten and prevent many individuals
from exercising their lawfull political activities; many activists fear they
might be labelled "extremists". In 1972, in Laird vs Tatum, the court stated it's
necessary to show "specific damages or threats of future damages" and that the
simple fear produced by such investigations is not a valid motivation to
undertake a charge.
En another precedent: the Court of the Appeals of the 3° District following
Tatum granted the chance to undertake à la charge because the agents divulged
confidential information to organisations private and to TV networks without any
other intention than damaging political activists.
The Government Secretiveness
The events of September the 11th have been used, on one hand as pretext to widen
the powers of the Bush administration, on the other, to limit the access to
government information with the explicit purpose of censoring from public
scrutiny the activities of the executive.
The Bush administration has refused the applications, conducted under the
Freedom Of Information Act and the Right to Know Law of New Jersey, to get
information concerning two thousand, or more, individuals arrested during the
investigations of the post 9/11 and it has classified all the information
concerning procedures of trials and deportations of non-residents through the
directives of the Judge Michael Creppy.
The Bush administration has reduced the chance to access to government documents,
it has persuaded the press to reduce coverage concerning US Army activities and
it has admitted to have spread false information to the foreign countries and
Despite in 1993 president Bill Clinton affirmed "For more than a quarter of
century, FOIA represented a mean to strengthen our democratic principles. The
statute is based on the principle that an informed citizen is essential in the
democratic process. The more citizens will be informed the better they will be
governed " while Janet Reno incited the diffusion of declassified government
documents. On the 12th of October2001, the "politics of the secretiveness" began;
Ashcroft has imposed a politics of strong secretiveness. Larry Klayman, of
Judicial Watch, noticed in this attitude "an extreme arrogance on the side of
the government, as if decisions and politics could not be criticised."
Bush restricted the access to the Reagan administration's classified documents,
documents that would have had to be declassified on January the 20th 2001
according to a 1978 Presidential Record Act. And the historian Stanley Kutler
underlines "We must be clear about it: the decisions Bush took doesn't have
anything to do with national security; this decision is functional to the very
exclusive club of ex and future presidents."
With the restriction to the FOIA and to the Presidential Record Act, sensitive
information whose meaning and definition are so vague that could include any
information the Government could simply judge embarrassing.
The Bush administration has adopted a meticulous supervision on information
concerning the military activities of the US Army preventing the press from
spreading any of news. In truth, the US media have shown too much complaisant in
the acceptance of all the limitations and the restrictions coming from the White
House; the 5 national televisions - ABC News, CBS News, NBC news, Cable News
Network and Fox News Channel - and the main newspapers have signed joined
accords with the Government respectively on October 10th and 11th 2001.
February the19th 2002, the New York Times has revealed that the Pentagon created
the Office of Strategic Influence, whose only purpose was the dissemination of
false information to foreign media, to produce propaganda in support of the
government and also to hack informative system of foreign countries.
With the full powers granted to the president in a moment of national emergency
and collective hysteria, a congressional supervision to prevent potential abuses
is very necessary in light of potential governmental abuse but with the
administration refusal to answer those interpellations and to cooperate with
members of the Congress, the us government seems to have cracked the system of
monitoring of the executive, a peculiar element in the system of American
Government. An example among others concerns Tom Ridge, responsible of National
Safety: the Government has not allowed him to be questioned by Congress quoting
his status of presidential adviser, meaning he was not an executive's member.