Senza Censura N. 2 – Giugno 2000
We are very pleased to present to our readers the second issue of "Senza Censura", which comes out according to the work schedule of an issue every 4 months.
In a sense, the second issue represents the litmus paper of the whole project, as it is for every bet. After the efforts for the publication of the first issue, now we start verifying whether our work has a reply or not and if it can actually circulate beyond the voluntaristic effort of the redaction.
And judging by the materials that we have gathered and by the distribution of the magazine in the last months, the results are really good.
Senza Censura was launched in various Italian towns. Furthermore there were a lot of discussions among the comrades focused on the magazine and its main issue, that is the repression. We received a lot of contributions and also a few criticisms, of course.
We think that the main difficulty consists mostly in making the work an organic whole and showing the common elements that connect the various aspects of the issue "repression".
Especially for the first issue, there was the strong risk of producing a sort of "collage". Even stronger, perhaps, was the risk that we couldn't set our work within a clear class-oriented view, which does not consider the repression as a "sociologic event" but as a strategic weapon used by capitalism to manage its crisis at international level, to support its effort of restructuring and keep its domination over the oppressed classes in the world. And last but not least, in order to lay a claim on the possibility to develop any form of organization that, in the present context of crisis, may reaffirm an idea of change or liberation beyond the compatibility established by the powerful all over the world.
On the other hand, in this post-war year Italy has developed a repressive attack worthy of Eighties. Dozens of arrests and hundreds of house searches have been carried out in order to "sound out" the most different experiences of the class-oriented organization, and prevent or heavily influence the development of any political opposition against capitalism.
However, we think that in the work of the redaction are coming out a few issues which decisively aim towards the pre-established direction and worthy of a closer examination. We're also collecting several contributions and they are gradually showing very definite trends of discussion to develop for the future.
To this end, the division of the magazine in the four parts (Strategies of the counter-revolution, Restructuring and Control, Repression of the struggles, and the section dedicated to the campaign in support of Mumia Abu-Jamal) is very useful. Another important moment of discussion and political debate for our magazine is the analysis of the changes within the NATO, that are strongly influencing the Mediterranean and Eastern area and making Europe a major theatre for the imperialist strategies of global control.
We are also focusing our debate on "employment", trying to spread all those contributions which not only unmask the clear anti-proletarian trend of the new legislation and new forms of the industrial organization, but also try to re-consider the problem of the class organization in an area where the lack of prospects and discouragement have been dominating for years.
Another important issue is the analysis of the prison system in the U.S., which allows us to better understand a repressive trend that could influence the prison system also in our country.
And last we've tried to organize the fragmented report of the news in a calendar, which alternates more complete articles with small articles in a chronological order.
Before leaving you to the reading of Senza Censura, we'll never be tired of repeating how much important is for us to put together the work of the redaction with the co-operation of all those people, comrades, organizations and collectives who have something to say about these issues. We actually believe that it could be a small but important instrument in the hands of those people who have decided to oppose the brutalities of capitalism.